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TITLE: Contemporary African Art Ecology: A Decade of Curating

157 Pages


  • Important benchmarks in the development of contemporary African art from 2007 to 2017 are listed
  • A map charts political, social movements in Europe, US and Africa that have contributed towards heightened interest in African art 
  • A list of the most high-profile African curators

  • Their motivations, core interests and key projects are detailed

  • Following this elite group, we arrive at a list of artists they have validated

  • Analysis of brutal facts on exhibition practices in Europe & Africa

  • Expert opinion on African art’s centre; the most important cities with regards to validation of art from the African continent

  • Identifying the most important art events with regards to African art

  • We identify 31 active curators on the continent and track the patterns informing their work, identities

  • Experts shed light on the status of curating and developments in Joburg, Cape Town, Lagos, Accra, Marrakesh, Luanda, Kampala and Nairobi

  • How African art ecosystem was structured before 2007 and how it appears now

  • Future trends and recommendations

A Decade of Curating PDF

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